Friday, September 06, 2013

This Week in Kindergarten

Well we made it through our first week and we had so much fun! 

Here is a peek into what we did this week.

Every day we have a special helper. The special helper assists me with the morning calendar by:
- telling me how to spell his/her name
- adding the day to our calendar
- telling us what day it is today, was yesterday and will be tomorrow
- tell us what the weather is today
- adds a straw to our days in school pocket chart (When we reach 100 we have a party!) 
- counts the children: the boys then the girls and we find the total

This routine is added to throughout the year as we learn more and progress. For example: patterns, reading the room and helping with the morning message. 

At the end of the day the students say what their favourite part of the day was. The special helper chooses two of these and we make a sentence. Here is what was said this week:

On Monday there was no school.
On Tuesday it was Kevin's birthday and we made people.
On Wednesday we had centres and made words.
On Thursday we went to the park and we played outside.
On Friday we did calendar and had show and tell.

This week our focus in math has been learning patterns. Today the students completed patterns on the whiteboard. Later, each student was given an assortment of manipulatives that they had to sort into groups. They sorted them in two different ways and then began to create different types of patterns. I took pictures of some of their creations. They were all so proud!

At home you can practice sorting a variety of objects and if possible try making patterns. We will continue this next week. We are having a blast in Kindergarten! Have a wonderful weekend :)


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