Friday, September 13, 2013

Patterns and All About Me

Well we finished our first full week of Kindergarten and we were busy.

Our favourite part of the day
On Monday we played and learned patterns.
On Tuesday Lexi was the special helper and we did calendar.
On Wednesday we went outside and did calendar.
On Thursday we went outside and had calendar.
On Friday we did the calendar and we sorted things.

**Once everyone has had a chance to be special helper I am sure the love for calendar will dwindle a bit :)

Patterns, patterns and more patterns!
The students are doing very well at continuing a pattern once started and figuring out when a pattern is being made. We made patterns with colours, shapes and even sounds! I was so impressed when the students were able to figure out my patterns and continue them on the board.
What do you think? Tricky?

All About Me
We talked all about us and completed this poster. We learned about our favourite things, what we want to be when we grow up and about our families.

If you give a...
We have been reading books by Laura Numeroff. The children are beginning to pick up on the idea of a circle story. This type of story begins and ends in the same place. For example: The mouse has a cookie, then needs milk and a bunch of events occur, then he has milk and finally has a cookie again. The children really enjoy these stories. See if they can tell you about any that we have read or check out your local library to find more books.
We have read:
If you give a pig a party
If you give a mouse a cookie
If you give a pig a pancake
If you give a moose a muffin
If you give a cat a cupcake
If you give a dog a donut
Just a few of the books that we have read

This week was brought to you by: The letters F and E
Finally we learned about the letters F and E. We practiced writing the uppercase letters and discovered words that start with that sound. When you have a moment practice writing F and E as well as what words start with "ffff" (for "fish") or "eh" (for "elephant"). We focussed on the "eh" sound instead of the "ee" sound because that can sometimes be confusing when we move into reading. 

I will put up some fun ideas of how to practice this at home on my next post.

Don't Forget:
We will be doing the Terry Fox run on Sept. 27. I will be talking to the children about this in the coming weeks.
Also we have sent home a note regarding the multicultural show and tell that is beginning in October. Examples of past presentations can be found on the table when you drop off or pick up your child. 


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