Friday, September 05, 2014

Another Year Has Begun!

The first week of Kindergarten is done! We spent the week becoming used to rules and routines. 

Special Helper
Every day we have a special helper. The special helper assists me with the morning calendar by:
- telling me how to spell his/her name
- adding the day to our calendar
- telling us what day it is today, was yesterday and will be tomorrow
- adds a straw to our days in school pocket chart (When we reach 100 we have a party!) 
- counts the children: all of the children, then the boys and the girls. Then we add and subtract the numbers.

This routine is added to throughout the year as we learn more and progress. For example: patterns, reading the room and helping with the morning message. 

Our Favourite Part of the Day:
At the end of the day the students say what their favourite part of the day was. The special helper chooses two of these and we make a sentence. Here is what was said this week:

On Monday there was no school.
On Tuesday we ate snack and sang songs.
On Wednesday we did writing and a craft.
On Thursday we sang songs and we did writing. 
On Friday we went outside and we washed our hands. 

All About Me
Our theme for this week was "All About Me". We worked on completing a flip book all week. I found the book from Reagen Tunstall. We completed a page every day and sent home the completed book on Friday. Here are a few pictures from the book.

We created self portraits using various craft materials. Cutting and gluing skills were practiced. They turned out very well.

I got the idea from EduArt4Kids
We have begun the sorting and patterns unit in math. This week we had to describe various types of balls and then came up with a list of attributes (size, colour, texture). Next week we will practice sorting different objects into groups. Once the children understand how to sort we can begin learning about patterns. 

At home practice sorting a variety of materials: laundry by type or colour, snacks by shape, toys by type, etc. 

We practiced writing about our families, pets or house. The children were asked to draw a picture on one of those topics and try to write about it. At this stage it is important that they try to write and are not scared to make mistakes. As the year progresses the children will become more confident and learn how to sound out simple words. 

Animated Literacy:
We began our Animated Literacy program on Friday. It teaches letters and sounds (phonics) to the children as well as many language and reading concepts. Every sound has a character, gesture and song. 

On Friday, we learned about Polly Panda who likes to paint purple and pink P's on items. 

Please go over the handout that has been sent home with your child to review the sound and letter. They can colour the picture and then circle the special sound within the song at the bottom. 

For more information on this program please visit
Handwriting Without Tears
We learned about Mat Man and practiced drawing people. We are focussing on correct pencil grip and encourage you to practice writing at home or completing fine motor activities. I have a variety of activities posted on pinterest. Next week we will begin learning how to write letters. For information on the order that I will be teaching letters please go to their website:

Mat Man and Me!
Puzzle Pieces:
Today the first puzzle piece was sent home. Please work with your child on completing the "name" puzzle piece and practice talking about it so that they are able to present the piece to their friends. Here is my example:

Don't Forget:
Send a healthy snack with your child. A list has been sent home or you can visit 100 Days of Real Food for some awesome ideas.

Each child needs to have indoor shoes, a backpack and appropriate clothing for the weather.

Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at the school, by email or just drop in (I am usually around before school). 


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