Friday, November 08, 2013

Story Time

Our favourite part of the day
On Monday we played in drama centre and had calendar.
On Tuesday Rafael came to read us stories and we learned the number 9.
On Wednesday we had Ibsa's show and tell and we played in the snow. 
On Thursday Mahdi was the special helper and we went outside.
On Friday Anya had her show and tell and we had centres.

More Fairy Tales
We continued learning about Fairy Tales this week. 

Jack and the Beanstalk
We watched a video for this story. I couldn't find my book so we watched a video. It was more of a modern version and the students really liked it. 
Here is the link:

After the video we discussed the characters, setting, problem and solution. Next we played a game where we tiptoed like Jack and stomped like the Giant. Then we changed it, they tiptoed when I said Jack and froze when I said Giant. This was a lot of fun and requested throughout the week.

We did sequencing activities for The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. We discussed how every story has a beginning, middle and end. This also became a centre activity for the week. 

Fractured Fairy Tales
We continued our discussion on how there are different versions of Fairy Tales and how some of these can be silly. I read the original "Cinderella" story that they were familiar with and we talked about it. Then I read "Cinder Prince" and whenever I read something that was similar to "Cinderella" the students would quietly raise their hand and we would talk about the similarities and the differences. They really enjoyed this. We also read Fractured Fairy Tales for "The Three Little Pigs" and "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". 

We had different centres to go with our Fairy Tales. 
Bear sorting into sizes. After a few of the children made patterns.

Bean colouring. They had to colour the correct number of beans. 

Magnetic play with Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Flannel board fun with different Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes.


Drama Centre

 The Big Bad Wolf puppet

 The Three Little Pigs finger puppets

Remembrance Day
On Thursday we talked about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. I read the story "A Poppy is to Remember" by: Heather Patterson. This helped the children to understand that we remember those who fought for us and may have gotten hurt. 

We made poppies to display in our classroom. It was a simple craft and looked great when done. 

Numbers 8-10
We continued our numbers unit in math. This week we were able to reach 10! By the 10 they were reminding me how we show numbers and what I forgot. I always enjoy seeing their growth. Next week we are going to start doing different activities and centres that focus on the quantities of the numbers. 

At home please practice counting and showing the numbers 1-10.

Multicultural Show and Tell:
This week Ibsa and Anya presented their Multicultural Show and Tells. They did a fantastic job! Anya even brought in delicious crepes. 

This week was brought to you by: The letters C and O
Finally we learned about the letters C and O. We practiced writing the uppercase letters and discovered words that start with that sound. These are tough letters because we are now introducing the curves and there are no straight lines. When you have a moment practice writing C and O as well as what words start with "kuh" (for "cup") and "aw" (for "octopus"). Another activity could be finding different objects in the house that start with the letters/sounds that we have been learning. 

Don't Forget:
Remember that examples of past presentations can be found on the table when you drop off or pick up your child.

Please send a small healthy snack for your child every day. Also, if you know that your child will not eat the lunch provided please send a lunch as well. 

On cold days please make sure to send hats and mittens. Also, on days where there is snow or it is slushy please send boots and snow pants. Thank you!

Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at the school, by email or just drop in (I am usually around before school). 


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