Saturday, January 02, 2016

December: Winter Holidays!

December was a shorter month due to Winter Concert practice and Winter Break.

December Holidays Around the World:
We learned about Hanukah and played the dreidel game. The children loved "The Dreidel Song".

We learned about Kwanzaa and how it is celebrated.

We learned about how Christmas is celebrated in Mexico and what a poinsettia is.

We learned about how Christmas is celebrated in the Netherlands and made our own "wooden shoes". Each child received a pencil in their shoes the next morning.

We learned that in Australia it is summer right now and because it is hot they can do different activities at Christmas time than us in Canada.

Finally we talked about how Christmas is celebrated in Canada and our traditions and activities. We then laced stockings and decorated them.

Christmas Party:
Pin the Nose on Rudolph

 Snowman Bowling

Musical Chairs

Gingerbread Colouring
(roll the dice and colour in the space)

Gingerbread Cookie Decorating

Earlier in the week Hans came with Blue Bell (his cello) and sang Christmas songs. The children loved him!

This month we continued our ten frame games and learned about whole-part-whole.

We learned about winter clothing

Animated Literacy:
We drew gum.

We learned about Crazy Camel who catches cookies, cakes and cotton candy. With this character we also learned that it is the same sound as Kimmy Kangaroo and that "ck" together makes the same sound as well.

We drew a cat.

For more information on this program please visit

Don't Forget:
Send a healthy snack with your child. A list has been sent home or you can visit 100 Days of Real Food for some awesome ideas.

Each child needs to have indoor shoes, a backpack and appropriate clothing for the weather.

Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at the school, by email or just drop in (I am usually around before school).