Tuesday, November 03, 2015

The Month of October

October was busy and went by so fast that I didn't have time to post weekly. Here is a look at what we did in the month of October.

We completed an experiment to see what fruits and vegetables floated or sank. The children made a guess (hypothesis) and then we tested it to see if they were right. Did you know that pumpkins float?!

 Then we learned the difference between fruits and vegetables and discovered that some things that we thought were vegetables were actually fruit. A fruit is something that grows on a vine, bush, tree or cane and has seeds.

Next we cut up all of our fruits and vegetables and had a taste test to see which one was our favourite.

Finally we learned the parts of a pumpkin.

To end the unit we completed the life cycle of a pumpkin cut and paste activity.

We also wrote down all that we learned about pumpkins.

We talked about thanksgiving and what we are thankful for.

Fairy Tales:
We learned that characters are the people or animals in a story.

The children heard many stories and discussed the parts of a story (beginning, middle, end, characters and setting). We also talked about connections that we could make with the story or the characters (text to self connections and text to world connections).

Near the end of the month I read many fractured fairy tales to the children. These are fairy tales with a twist. We talked about the similarities and differences between the new story and the original. The children loved these stories and had many laughs.

For Halloween we played some fun games:
Mummy Wrapping

Pin the Nose on the Jack-o-Lantern

We made our own mummy chocolates and then ate the yummy treat.



Leaf Wreath (cutting skills activity):

Bats and Cats:

Pumpkin Carving and Decorating:

This month we learned about both shapes and numbers.
2D Shapes are "flat shapes" or shapes that we are able to draw: circle, square, rectangle, triangle and hexagon.
We created shapes with popsicle sticks.
Some of the shapes were more simple, squares and triangles, but some children tried more complicated shapes such as the rectangle featured above or the hexagon seen below. 

We made an anchor chart as we discussed the shapes to look at how they are the same and how they are different.

Next we learned about 3D Shapes. These shapes are not flat but solid. They are found all around us. We discussed how some slide and some roll. We learned about edges, corners (vertices) and faces (sides). 
The 3D Shapes that we learned about are: sphere, cube, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, triangular prism, triangle based pyramid, square based pyramid, ovoid and ellipsoid.

We practiced the prepositions above, below, in front of, behind and beside. When talking about our shapes and completed the following worksheet to show what we have learned so far.

We learned that numbers are made up of smaller numbers. This is the beginning stages of addition but is a great number concept. We shared with partners and created towers. After a few days of practicing we completed the worksheet to help show what we had learned. 

More and Less:
We sorted numbers and created towers to show numbers can be less or more. 10 is more than 8 but 7 is less than 8. This is a bit of a tough concept but with lots of practice they are starting to figure it out. 

Learned how to count to 10.

Animated Literacy:
We learned about Actress Annie who adds on her abacus and loves to act.

We drew an ax.

We sang "Apples and Bananas" and substituted vowels.
For a version of the song click here.

We learned about Daisy Dragon who dances for date delight ice cream.

We drew dad.

We learned about Timmy Tiger who likes to tickle Tommy T-rex.

We drew a top. I love how each picture looks different even though we are all following the step-by-step directions. This activity is great for listening skills as well as developing a confidence in their ability to draw.

We learned about Sadie Seal who surfs and swims.

We drew a stop sign. The word in the balloon or circle is the noun and the word with an arrow is the adjective or the word that describes the noun. As the year continues we will be reviewing nouns, adjectives and verbs. This is just an introduction to these concepts.

The children have also grown in their fine motor development. The pictures are more clear and in the correct areas. The words are now finding an order and are in the lines. As the year progresses we will work on sentence structure and writing inside the lines.

We learned about Rosie Racoon who ropes and rides Rhino Ralph.

For more information on this program please visit http://www.animated-literacy.com/Animated_Literacy_Home.html
Handwriting Without Tears
We reviewed our "Frog Jump Capitals": F, E, D, P, B, R, N and M. We call these "Frog Jump Capitals" because they all begin with a "big line down and a frog jump up" before forming the next part. 

We learned how to write uppercase letters H, K, L, U, V, W, X, Y and Z

For information on the order that I will be teaching letters please go to their website: http://www.hwtears.com/hwt/why-it-works/teaching-order

Don't Forget:
Send a healthy snack with your child. A list has been sent home or you can visit 100 Days of Real Food for some awesome ideas.

Each child needs to have indoor shoes, a backpack and appropriate clothing for the weather.

Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at the school, by email or just drop in (I am usually around before school).