Friday, June 26, 2015

The Last 26 Days of School

For the last 26 days of school we did an alphabet countdown which made every day special and fun.

A is for Adventure Day: 
We went on an adventure to Children's Festival. We had our faces painted and went to see a show. 

B is for Bubble Day:
We went to the park and played with bubbles.

C is for Crazy Hair Day:
The children came to school with crazy hair. 

D is for Dance Day:
We danced the day away.

E is for Exercise Day:
We took a walk to the park and completed some exercises. 

F is for Freeze Day:
We played freeze tag and had freezies.

G is for Game Day:
The children brought games and we had a fun morning playing them.

H is for Hat Day:
We wore our favourite hats to school.

I is for Ice Cream Day:
The children wrote down why they should get ice cream and then they ate a delicious ice cream treat.

J is for Joke Day:
The children brought in jokes to tell and we spent the morning laughing.

K is for Kindergarten Day:
We wrote down all of the things that we loved about Kindergarten.

L is for Letter Day:
We created a book for the students next year by each child writing down what they think the next class will like. 

 I found this idea on Pinterest and it led me to this page. I am excited to use this book at the start of Kindergarten next year. 

M is for Marshmallow Madness Day:
We built structures out of marshmallows and toothpicks.

N is for Number Day:
We had fun playing many number games.

O is for Outdoor Appreciation Day:
We went outside and completed an obstacle course.

P is for Paleontologist:
We were paleontologists and we dug dinosaur bones out of hardened clay and put them together like a puzzle. It was messy but so much fun! 

Q is for Q-tip Painting Day:
We painted pictures using q-tips.

R is for Rhinos, Hippos and Monkeys...oh my!
We discussed our favourite zoo animals.

S is for Sports Day:
We wore our favourite sports team jersey or shirt and played various sports (obstacle course, bowling and soccer). My mom and dad joined our class and we had our graduation that night. 

T is for Teddy Bear Day:
We brought our favourite teddy bears and wore our pajamas. We watched "Osmosis Jones" and discussed germs and how to be healthy.  
U is for Under the Sea Day:
We created an ocean scene. 

First we painted the ocean background. 
Once it dried we traced an ocean scene and coloured it with crayons or oil pastels. 

V is for Victory Day:
We completed various relay races, including: egg and spoon race, over/under ball pass, bean bag toss, running and potato sack. 

W is for Wacky Water Day:
We had a fun day with water. We had a water relay, played with water balloons and used spray bottles. It was a fun morning!

X is for X-Change Autographs Day:
We wrote our signatures on individual beach balls to take home and remember our friends.

I got this idea from Adventures of Room 129.

Y is for Your Choice Day:
We went on a treasure hunt and X marked the spot. Our treasure was gorgeous cupcakes made by a parent. 

Z is for Zip Up and Zoom Out of School Day:
We played some relay games and talked about what we are going to do this summer. I handed out report cards and last day of school photos. We laughed and cried and had a great last day of school! 

They had to fan tissue paper fish into the trap. 

 They had to blow a cup to the other side of the table. 

 They had vaseline on their noses and had to transfer as many cotton balls to the paper plates in 30 seconds. 

 They had to wiggle a cookie from their forehead to their mouth by just scrunching their face. 

I got the ideas for the relays from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits.