Our favourite part of the day:
On Monday we learned about the Whistling Whale and the number 8.
On Tuesday we labeled the butterfly and did pin poking.
On Wednesday we went to the Glenbow Museum.
On Thursday we did a butterfly life cycle craft and talked about shapes.
On Friday we learned about caterpillars and the "z" sound.
Our caterpillars have all made cocoons and now we are waiting for the butterflies to come out.
We talked about the life cycle of the butterfly and completed a craft.
We completed a caterpillar activity and learned more about them.
Both of these activities will be placed in our butterfly lapbooks.
Glenbow Museum
We went to a program at the Glenbow Museum where we learned about Tipis and heard stories about the First Nations People. The guide taught us about the symbols on the tipis. The bottom pattern usually represented where the family was from for example: bumps meant hills and triangles meant mountains. Near the top was the sky for example: 7 circles for the big dipper, 5 circles for the 5 brothers and a few lines together represented a rainbow. If an animal is painted on it meant that that animal gave them the tipi usually in a dream. We were able to make our own tipis after.
The guide told us about the importance of the buffalo for food, clothes, tipis and so much more. We were able to look at some artifacts and even touch them. These included: a rattle, knife, moccasin and bowls.
We completed a caterpillar activity and learned more about them.
Both of these activities will be placed in our butterfly lapbooks.
Glenbow Museum
We went to a program at the Glenbow Museum where we learned about Tipis and heard stories about the First Nations People. The guide taught us about the symbols on the tipis. The bottom pattern usually represented where the family was from for example: bumps meant hills and triangles meant mountains. Near the top was the sky for example: 7 circles for the big dipper, 5 circles for the 5 brothers and a few lines together represented a rainbow. If an animal is painted on it meant that that animal gave them the tipi usually in a dream. We were able to make our own tipis after.
The guide told us about the importance of the buffalo for food, clothes, tipis and so much more. We were able to look at some artifacts and even touch them. These included: a rattle, knife, moccasin and bowls.
The World
One of our year long projects has been learning about the seven continents. We traced and pin poked out each of the continents, glued them in place and labeled. The children worked so hard and the finished projects look great.
We learned about two new characters this week:
Whistling Whale who performs tricks with his wheelbarrow in a whirlpool.
Zackary and Zena Zebra who zip and zoom and Zeke the Zoo Keeper in the town of Zanzazoom.
Please go over the handouts that have been sent home with your child to review the sounds and letters. They can colour the picture and then circle the special sound within the song at the bottom. Remember that Animated Literacy focuses on the sound (phonics) and the writing (graphemes) so for Whistling Whale we focus on the "wh" as seen in the words white and whale.
Whistling Whale who performs tricks with his wheelbarrow in a whirlpool.
Zackary and Zena Zebra who zip and zoom and Zeke the Zoo Keeper in the town of Zanzazoom.
Please go over the handouts that have been sent home with your child to review the sounds and letters. They can colour the picture and then circle the special sound within the song at the bottom. Remember that Animated Literacy focuses on the sound (phonics) and the writing (graphemes) so for Whistling Whale we focus on the "wh" as seen in the words white and whale.
This week we drew a picture of a prize ribbon and wrote a sentence. We continued learning about nouns and adjectives. After we drew and labeled our ribbon we added an adjective to our label and showed the connection with an arrow. We will be doing this more as the year progresses. A couple examples are shown below.
Handwriting Without Tears
We practiced writing the number 8 this week. When you have a moment practice writing numbers, the alphabet or simple words with your child. Please watch for size and spacing.
Handwriting Without Tears
We practiced writing the number 8 this week. When you have a moment practice writing numbers, the alphabet or simple words with your child. Please watch for size and spacing.
Don't Forget:
Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at the school, by email or just drop in (I am usually around before school).